Griffith Dental & Medical Surgery is committed to providing ongoing care to our patients. Our aim is to partner you in maintaining your long-term health and well-being and to facilitate and coordinate your healthcare needs. Dr Tho Pham participates in ongoing medical education. We believe that good general practice can only be achieved by taking time to listen, to observe and to examine. This is our commitment to you.
Our practice offices a wide range of patient services, including:
Women's health checks
Family Planning
Babies' growth and development
Shared Pregnancy Care
Childhood immunisations
Counseling & Mental Health
Minor Surgery and Procedures
Weight loss/gain advice
Cancer screening
Diabetes management
Men's health issues
Travel medicine advice and vaccinations
Smoking cessation
Electrocardiography (ECG)
Chronic disease management
Medical examinations e.g. insurance and driving; pre-employment
Skin checks
Aged Care
Mental Health
Our practice offices a wide range of patient services, including:
Women's health checks
- Pap tests are an effective way of detecting changes to the cells of the cervix. The aim is to detect and treat changes early before the development of cervical cancer. A Pap test is recommended every 2 years from the age of 18 to 70. If changes have been found then either treatment or more frequent testing may be required.
- The Government has introduced a free of charge immunisation program against the Human Papilloma Virus for women aged 12-26. This requires 3 vaccinations of Gardasil at 0, 2 and 6 months and is anticipated to provide about 70% protection against developing cervical cancer. For women older than 26, another vaccination, Cervarix, is available at a cost. If you would like to consider this vaccination please discuss it with your doctor.
Family Planning
Babies' growth and development
Shared Pregnancy Care
- Shared care provides an option for women to have some of their pregnancy care with their GP and some visits at the hospital's antenatal clinic (or midwives' clinic or birth centre). For example, you may be able to see a doctor at the surgery for your pregnancy visits, and attend the local hospital for the birth.
Essentially, shared care with a local doctor is usually an option for women who have no pre-existing health conditions (such as diabetes) and whose pregnancies are progressing relatively normally with one baby (no twins or more). We would seek advice from an obstetric registrar or consultant at the hospital you are booked into if there were any health concerns or if complications arose. If complications do develop (such as high blood pressure, bleeding during pregnancy or the labour starting prematurely - before 37 weeks) then the woman's care will most likely be transferred from the shared care arrangement to the doctors in the hospital's antenatal clinic
Childhood immunisations
- The practice stocks all necessary childhood vaccines. Dr Tho Pham can advise you of the immunisation schedule for your child and discuss any concerns you may have. At present, children are vaccinated at: 2, 4, 6, 12, 18 months of age, and finally at age 4 before entering school.
Counseling & Mental Health
- For patients with mental health disorders, your GP is able to create an individual management plan.
- This plan allows access to Medicare-rebatable services by registered psychologists and clinical psychologists.
Minor Surgery and Procedures
- This will mainly involve procedures such as stitching lacerations, removing suspicious skin lesions, draining abscesses, excision of cysts etc. We also insert IUDs and hormonal implants such as Implanon.
- Many tests are available at the practice including blood and urine tests, blood sugar testing, bowel cancer screening, skin biopsies, Pap tests, ECG heart checks, spirometry lung function testing and more.
- The practice provides a cryosurgery service. Some skin lesions, such as warts and sunspots, are commonly treated with liquid nitrogen.
- Flu vaccinations are available at the practice from March for the winter season. Flu vaccinations are provided free of charge to patients aged 65 and above as part of the Government vaccination program. We provide flu vaccinations at a cost to other patients. We also stock pneumococcal vaccinations which are provided free of cost to patients aged 65 and over - these are given twice, five years apart.
Weight loss/gain advice
Cancer screening
Diabetes management
Men's health issues
- Many men neglect their own health because of work pressures. We understand this and we would encourage men to periodically perform a health review. Dr Tho Pham is experienced in the area of men's health and are available to discuss general health issues as well as the more specific prostate and sexual issues.
Travel medicine advice and vaccinations
Smoking cessation
- Dr Tho Pham can provide you with advice and support on the most appropriate method to achieve smoking abstinence.
Electrocardiography (ECG)
Chronic disease management
Medical examinations e.g. insurance and driving; pre-employment
Skin checks
- As the rates of skin cancer in Australia continue growing, it is very important to be vigilant in maintaining good skin health. We encourage a regular skin check for all our patients. If any suspicious lesions are detected we are able to biopsy or excise the lesion for further assessment, or refer you to a specialist dermatologist or plastic surgeon.
Aged Care
Mental Health